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The Secret to having the Bandage stay Above the Stifle

Too commonly, when a bandage that is meant to be ABOVE the stifle…
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Common Mistakes made by Veterinarians when doing the Drawer Test

The drawer test is one that we commonly perform and rely on…
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Burying the end knot in a continuous subcutaneous suture pattern

I am asked how to bury a knot in a continuous subcutaneous pattern…
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Creating Donuts for your Bandages

Of course there is more than 1 way to make a donut for a bandage.…
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The Knotless Suture Pattern

I love learning new suturing techniques and tying different…
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How to Apply a better Bandage

I debated on whether I should post this video but modification…
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How to Free Drape a limb for an Orthopedic Procedure

Free draping a limb is a must when doing an orthopedic procedure…
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How to properly use the Subcuticular Suture Pattern to Close a Skin Incision

The subcuticular suture pattern should not be confused with…
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How to Apply a Spica Bandage

The Spica bandage is not one that we use very commonly but it…
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The Square Knot vs the Slip Knot

The slip knot is a very practical way to tie a suture knot,…