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Pelvic Fractures in the dogs and cats can be treated without surgery

Most pelvic fractures can be managed conservatively using pain management and good nursing care. Although it is appropriate to consider surgical management of all pelvic fractures, certain case types are stronger candidates for surgical referral. They are:

  1. Acetabular fractures: Because a joint is involved, surgical correction should be considered for these. A femoral head ostectomy (FHO) is also considered a good treatment choice.
  2. SacroIliac luxations: These can be painful and patients usually come around faster and better with surgical correction, especially when there is significant displacement.
  3. Narrowed pelvic canals: Especially in cats as they tend to become constipated.  Constipation seems to be less of an occurrence in dogs.
  4. Massive and/or associated damage: Such as nerve damage and urethral/rectal tears

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