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Spay Surgery Concerns: The Round and Broad Ligaments

This is the second of four videos on some of the common concerns with the ovariohysterectomy procedure.

The Round ligament is actually a fold in the lateral edge of the broad ligament. It begins at the cranial most tip of the uterine horn, runs caudally along the lateral edge of the broad ligament and exits through the inguinal ring where it attaches subcutaneously close to the vulva. It can be disrupted by simply pulling it free from the inguinal ring (my preferred technique) or simply breaking with your fingers. 

The Broad ligament also begins at the cranial most tip of the uterine horn and extends all the way down towards the vagina. It attaches dorsolaterally along the body wall. It is easily disrupted by teasing it apart with your fingers, usually close to the uterine artery. 

In the larger dogs the normally insignificant vascular tributaries within the broad ligament may require some attention (cautery or ligation); and if there is a lot of fat stored within the ligament these tributaries may be difficult to see. In these cases it may be wiser to place a ligature or 2 around chunks of the fatty ligament.

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