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Managing Urethral Obstructions in the Cat

What’s a Urethral Obstruction in a Cat?

The problem is almost exclusively seen in the male cat. It occurs only rarely in the female. The cat’s urethra becomes obstructed either physically by stones or an organic gritty material (struvite) or functionally because of a severe urethral spasm. In either case, the cat is unable to properly empty his bladder.

Situational Awareness (Urethral Obstruction):

Urethral obstruction in the cat is a common issue and can be life threatening if not handled immediately. The most common reason for cats to obstruct is urethral spasms (idiopathic); followed by uroliths.
The immediate treatment requires retropulsing the stones back into the bladder (if present) and placing an indwelling urethral catheter for approximately 48 hours. During this time period, appropriate medical management of urethral spasm is initiated; dietary management for uroliths or organic/struvite matrix begun; and, if necessary a cystotomy planned to remove the stones from bladder.
Success rate with the initial unblocking treatment is very high (96%). Recurrence of the obstruction is noted in approximately 40% within the year, therefore proper management of the initial cause of the blockage, follow-up and owner compliance are very important.

Pre-Catheterization Considerations:

•Is he hypokalemic
•Can the bladder be emptied (at least temporarily) until patient’s cardiac function is adequate.
•Safest drugs to sedate or anesthetized are utilized (see Section by Dr. Nancy Brock DACVAA)

What’s a Perineal Urethrostomy (PU) in cats:

The intent of the PU is to create a new opening (stoma) at the level of the PELVIC urethra. This is where the urethra is at its widest and therefore the least likely to be obstructed by the passage of small uroliths or organic debris. In order to accomplish that, the entire penile urethra (and therefore the penis) must be amputated.

Situational Awareness (PU):

This is a LIFE SAVING surgery. Unfortunately, the PU has a bad reputation because of a reported high rate of stricturing. The truth is that the most common reason why cats reblock/stricture is because the PU was improperly done. In order to get to the wide perlvic urethra you have to free up the penis and penile urethra from its attachments to the pelvis. This part can give the inexperienced surgeon trepidation (and it should). The truth is that the most common reason why cats reblock/stricture is because the PU was improperly done. In order to get to the wide perlvic urethra you have to free up the penis and penile urethra from its attachments to the pelvis. This part can give the inexperienced surgeon trepidation (and it should). The inexperienced often stop short of the goal and make the new opening just above the current obstruction, in the penile urethra rather than the pelvic urehtra. Don’t make this mistake. Ascending urethritis/cystitis can occur in PU cats. Although a nuisance, this problem is readily managed medically and should not be a deterrent for proceeding with the surgery.


Get Ready for Managing the Urethral Obstruction in a Cat

All the information you need. Fully narrated surgical videos. In depth guide and more.

Pre-procedural Considerations:

When is it time to perform a PU:

Stabilize the patient:

Preoperative diagnostics:

What the client needs to know:

Step by Step PU in cats

An elliptical incisions is made around the scrotum and prepuce
The subcutaneous tissues are cleared until the penis and the ischiocavernosus (IC) muscles (arrow) are clearly visible.
The IC muscle is isolated, clamped and transected between hemostat and tuber ischium.
The ventral fascia securing the penis to the pubis is cut.
An incision is made over the urethra and extended with straight iris scissors along the dorsum of the urethra up to and in between the bulbourethral glands.
Skin to mucosa sutures are placed at 12o’clock, then 1:00 and 11:00 o’clock. I like to use 4-0 Vicryl Rapide for suturing.
Skin to mucosa sutures are continued distally on either side of opened urethra (drainboard); the distal portion of the penis is amputated. The remainder of the drainboard is sutured to the skin.

Get Ready to Perform a PU

Preferred instrumentation for this surgery:
Post-operative Considerations:
What you get when you register for this course:

Q & A

How long do cats live after PU?

  • A PU cat can have a long life with a successful unblocking and surgery
  • Renal issues can be expected if they have had prolonged/multiple   blockages
  • Cats presenting with severe azotemia are more prone to succumbing to renal failure if not managed quickly

What is a cat’s quality of life (QoL) after a PU surgery?

In a study published in 2020, 100% of cat owners reported a good-to-excellent QoL after this procedure (75% reported excellent).  Re-blockage in cats with a properly done PU occurs in less than 1.7% of cases (J Feline Med Surg. 202022:582-588).

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