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An explosion of kittens

This is just an interesting case that was sent to me and I wanted to share it with you.  It involves a female cat that was surrendered to the humane society.  At the time of her spay  for an open pyometra, they found that she had a bunch of calcified bits stuck to her mesentery.  They opted to leave them in situ as they appeared quiescent, not much inflammation associated with them.  Three to four days post surgery, the cat started to vomit.  They took a radiographs (you have to take a look at the radiographs as they are quite interesting). 

Of course they were concerned that the vomiting was due to the bits in the abdomen.  Their question to me was should we go and remove them?  Of course they had their thoughts on this but wanted some input from me.  I suggested they not rush into that because it would be very hard to find them all; the surgery would cause much inflammation, and the bits appeared quiescent when they first saw them. That were thinking the same thing, so they treated her for a gastritis  and monitored her.

She ended up doing very well, even found a new home!  The point being that not all abnormal findings are a problem.  It is important to figure out where the abnormality fits in with the overall picture.  In this case, the cat did not appear to have other issues.  Of course, being a humane society patient, they had no history, so that certainly had given them cause to pause and question the bits a bit.

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